My good friend and author of “One Life,” Naomi Feigenbaum, writes about her journey in recovery and how we are given one life, one chance and our abilities to make the best of it through recovery, rediscovering who we are and embracing that person. What I find to be interesting is how we are given one life, yet I feel like recovery has given me a NEW life. Not only have I been able to form new relationships that are irreplaceable, but I have been able to find my passion in life. I know my desire to help people, to bring a smile to someone’s face, to be there as ears to listen and arms to hug. These longings are burning inside of me now in place of the dead, empty space I had before.
Another thing that is interesting though is how we can then break down new life into a new day. Every morning the sun rises, no matter what happened the day before, the sun always rises. My favorite mornings are ones that I wake up to having slept with my window open (as I am tonight) and hear birds chirping, or look outside and see the turkey or deer in the backyard having their breakfast. It’s so calm and serene. This new day brings about new opportunities. New chances. New risks to take but excitement to go with them.
What is a “day” though? Does it start at the time your alarm goes off and end when you go to bed? I don’t think so. I think the day can start and restart multiple times. Sometimes we just need to take a breath and say to ourselves “Ok. I’m restarting the day and I’m going to make the most of it!”
Jenn this is so true! This helped me so much the other day and just now had time to comment. I love the concept of "day" and how it can start anytime not just as the calendar rolls. I knew this before but this reminded me again! Thanks!