"Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact." – William James

Friday, April 2, 2010

God's Love

What makes me aware of God's love?

This question was posed at Celebrate Recovery tonight which got me thinking....
God's love runs deep. It is unconditional. Forgiving. Grace giving. God's love does not start and stop with the rising and setting of the sun. It does not have boundaries. Even in the darkness, God's love is there. While it easy for me to feel God's love outdoors as I see his works of beauty and feel the warmth of the sun on my face, it is at the times of darkness when his love feels greatest. When I cannot see the light, his love becomes that light. Music plays in the background as I write this, telling of God's love.
God's love is beyond measure. Words cannot begin to describe its depths.

You are a Child of Mine- Mark Schultz

I’ve been hearing voices
Telling me that I could
Never be what I wanna be.
They’re binding me with lies,
Haunting me at night,
And saying there’s nothing to believe.
Somewhere in the quietness,
When I’m overcome with loneliness,
I hear You call my name.
And like a father You are near
And as I listen I can hear You say

You are a child of Mine
Born of My own design
And you bear the heart of life.
No matter where you go,
Oh, you will always know
You have been made free in Christ.
You are a child of Mine

And so I listen as You tell me who I am
And who it is I’m gonna be.
And I hang on every word,
Knowing I have heard
I am Yours and I am free
But when I am alone at night
That is when I hear the lie
You’ll never be enough
And though I’m giving into fear
If I listen I can hear You say


I am calling…
I am calling…
I am calling…


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