Thought I'd switch things up with a light hearted get to know me blog since I've added some new followers lately.
A = Age: 24, approaching 25. A kid at heart. But an older soul.
B = Bed Size: At my parents house its just a double, but I consider "MY bed" to be my bed at school where I'll be returning next month and it's a queen. I can't wait to go back to it. It's so comfy!
C = Chore you hate: I don't know that there's any chore I ENJOY, but the thing I hate the most is vacuuming the stairs. I swear the vacuum gets heavier throughout the process.
D = Dogs: My parent's dog, Wendy. I love her to death. She makes me smile every day.
E = Essential start to your day: Once I've decided I've hit snooze long enough, I get up and eat breakfast and check my emails while eating.
F = Favorite Color: I can't pick one. Purple and blue....today.
G = Gold or Silver: Silver.
H = Height: 5’6'... 5'7" on a good day if I got a lot of sleep and my vertebral discs really got filled up
I = Instruments you play: Flute and piccolo
J = Job title: Permanent Student
K = Kids: I think I have it pretty good right now...I get to play with other people's kids and return them. :)
L = Live: I have lived for 24 years...I've lived in St. Joseph, MO, Liberty MO, Kirksville MO, Omaha NE and for 3 weeks in both Cedar City UT and Dallas TX if that counts. I'm really excited to live in NYC this fall!
M = Mom’s name: Kathleen Elizabeth...or Kathy
N = Nickname: Jenn. Freshman year of college one girl called me Jenny from the Block when we were out. My brother calls me Jenny when he's trying to be cute, otherwise I will NOT respond to Jenny.
O = Overnight hospital stays: Several. 4 days when I broke my leg. I think I was just overnight once (well, multiple nights with that occurrence) from alcohol/benzos. Then another psych stay.
P = Pet peeve: bad grammar
Q = Quote from a movie: Finding Nemo-Dora "Just keep swimming"
R = Right or left-handed: Right handed. Left footed- at least with dance and gymnastics I was always stronger on my left. I kick a soccer ball right footed though. Weird.
S = Siblings: One brother. 21. One of my best friends.
T = Time you wake up: Its so varied right now....need to be back on a schedule!
U = Underwear: in my top drawer, on the right
V = Vegetables you dislike: I really like most vegetables. I do pick onions off of sandwiches though so I guess that will work.
W = What makes you run late: Forgetting to pack a snack and then remember as I'm about to walk out the door.
X = X-Rays you’ve had: Teeth. Ankle from spraining it many times. Foot when I tore ligaments pretty bad from slipping on the side of a pool. I couldn't put any weight on it. Many on my leg over a year period when I broke it. My back and neck at chiropractor. My back again checking to see what the tumors were but they followed up with a ultrasound and they're benign. CT scan/MRI of my head with concussions and migraines.
Y = Yummy foods you make: I've been slacking on cooking lately since I've been home but I've been told that my Apricot Chicken is good along with my family's Red Beans and Rice.
Z = Zoo favorite animal: Monkeys for sure!
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