“Um I may not be at IOP any more,” a friend told me a couple days ago. After dropping weight a couple weeks in a row she came to a place I am all too familiar with. A place which involves a treatment team dropping you as a client. A place filled with confusion and pain. A place of sorrow and destruction. A place of isolation and loneliness, fear and dishonesty. A place I never hope to return to. A place that hurts to think about. That brings tears to my eyes even writing about.
Another friend messaged me a week ago telling me she had entered a local IP treatment recently again. While I am grateful she is getting the help she needs, I am frustrated that her eating disorder has again taken a hold of her life to the point that this was needed. I met this friend in residential treatment. A girl with a bubbly personality, vivacious, caring, a heart of gold, but a past that no one should have to deal with. It pains me to see how much her eating disorder has taken hold of her life knowing what amazing things she could bring to the world.
Yesterday I received another phone call from a close friend informing me that she had been in the hospital since Thursday. Her liver enzymes were at levels in which she was lucky to be alive. Her eating disorder has put her in situations multiple times where she has barely escapes death. I have cried myself to sleep many times wondering if she will be alive when I wake up the next day. Sadly I have had to set a boundary with her in the last 6 months making me unable to see her. My eating disorder competes with hers to the upmost extreme, comparing my sickness level constantly. I am always wondering whether she will die and I will have not seen her.
I hate eating disorders. I hate what they do to people physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. All they do is take. They never give. They are selfish. I want my friends back. I want them to experience at least some of the life I am grateful to be experiencing today. Some of the joy I feel. Some of the freedom I have found. I want to again laugh with them, enjoy days at the farmers market, random dance parties, or a coffee at Starbucks without having to talk about how to avoid a crisis with Ed. Life can be full of so much more. I originally felt selfish writing this message, saying that I want this, I want that but that’s not all this is about. I’m pissed. Eating Disorders are taking away the lives of some amazing friends/women. I’ve lived it. I understand. It’s not an easy battle. But it IS worth the fight. One day at a time is all you have to focus on. Don’t get caught up in the big picture, that’s what I did for too long. Just focus on the task at hand. Recovery IS possible. You CAN do it!